Title: Baby Can't Sleep
Author: Lisa Schroeder
Illustrator: Viviana Garofoli
Reading Level: Baby - Preschool
Hardcover: 32 Pages
Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co.
Newborn babies sleep at sporadic intervals and most of them don't develop a regular sleep pattern until at least four to six months of age. Because of their unpredictable short-sleep cycles, parents of newborns often struggle to get some shuteye. How many times have you dozed off rocking your baby to sleep? Honestly, I have, at least a few times. In this hilarious picture book, one of those oh-so-familiar-scenario unfolds where exhausted newborn parents try to make an active baby sleep. Now, Mommy goes to bed after kissing her baby good night. Tired daddy takes over and rocks the baby slow, staring at the moon aglow. But, our not-so-sleepy baby grabs his nose and wants to play. Dad suggests the baby to count sheep, hoping he would fall asleep soon. Apparently, the sheep are in a playful mood as well. Instead of jumping over the fences, they chase fireflies, strum guitars, ride a jeep and play basketball. Sheep can't help baby snooze :( Well, Has anyone fallen asleep counting sheep? Even though I find it extremely boring, I never can!! Baby begins to wail and mommy shushes the baby, but drifts off herself (once again) rocking the baby. Finally, the doggy comes to aid, bringing his toy sheep and baby is off to slumberland cuddling his sheep tight. Both Parents and toddlers would love this book as they recall those challenging times of putting a playful baby to bed. The author employs perfect rhymes and just the right amount of words to make her story entertaining. The illustrations are adorable and funny. Older Kids would love to count sheep and younger ones would simply revel in the beauty of the illustrations! A very cute bedtime book!
My Rating: 5/5
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