Title: Time To Get Dressed!
Author/Illustrator: Elivia Savadier
Reading Level: Baby - Preschool
Hardcover: 32 Pages
Publisher: Roaring Book Press
Baby Solomon needs to get dressed before 8 A.M. Dad wants to help him out, but Solomon insists on doing everything himself! He cries "ME!" when daddy brings out his outfit. Solomon manages to get his pants up on his head, socks in his hands and shoes dangling on one feet. Time is ticking away and it seems as if dad can't win this battle over. He looks quite bemused at the beginning, but finally decides "Enough is Enough" and takes over the challenge of dressing him up. Soon another battle ensues at the dining table when Solomon insists on feeding himself. The cartoon style watercolor illustrations are hysterically funny and very refreshing. Set in almost white backgrounds, the pictures bring out the lovely expressions of a weary dad and his stubborn baby. Being a pretty common scenario that unfolds in many houses during those early morning hours, both parents and toddlers should be able to relate with this book. It has been one of our favorite reads and my daughter loves baby Solomon's pranks. She likes to read it over and over again and every time we read it, she laughs and giggles her way through it. Perhaps, she sees a bit of herself in baby Solomon!
Toddlers leap through several exciting developmental stages and one of the challenging phases for parents aside potty training is the "I want to do it myself" or rather "My way or No other way". Even though many parents find it frustrating, not only is it a typical behavior of toddlerhood but it also helps them gain self-confidence, discipline and independence. Whether they fumble with spoon and cereal bowl at the dining table or insist on picking out their night pajamas or snatch the soap bar to bathe themselves in the bathtub, they are actually learning valuable skills that will help them cope with everyday tasks and stress later in life.
Being almost two now, my daughter LOVES to do things her way! During dinner time, she picks out her cutlery, chooses a favorite spot to eat (not the high chair, but the stair case) and eats by herself. Most of the food end up on the floor, but she loves to help me clean up too! Whether its eating or bathing or getting dressed, she always says "ME!!" Getting dressed and out the door has never been such a nightmarish experience for me. Imagine dressing up a toddler who hates diapers, rips out layers, abhors any fancy clothing like frocks, frills, laces and insists on picking out clothes, socks and shoes. At times, she won't budge and leaves me with no choice but to take matters in my own hands. How do you think I could take her to the music class in a swimsuit? After much coaxing, I would dress her up in an appropriate outfit. Sometimes, She heeds. Sometimes, She does not. On occasions, She might end up looking a bit buffoonish, but I don't fret much, because this too shall pass! I am fine as long as she would wear something appropriate, as long as we get there in time, because I hate being chronically late for her classes...
My Rating: 5/5
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