Title: Time for Naps
Author: Jane Yolen
Illustrator: Hiroe Nakata
Reading Level: Baby - Preschool
Board Book: 16 Pages
Publisher: Little Simon
This is one beautiful board book that illustrates the nap time ritual of a little girl who tucks in all her stuffed animals in bed before she herself settles down for a nap. With warm yellow and orange tones, Nakata's illustrations are not only pleasing to the eyes, but also soothing to the babies.
Nap time, kitty, time for bed.
A pillow for your furry head.
No more books can now be read.
Time to close your eyes instead.
"No More Books", "Time to close your eyes", "No Peeping", "Yes, I'll get some water" are some common phrases used by parents when they put a child to nap. The little ones should find it very comforting watching the toddler in this book imitating many of the things their parents do before nap time. It may not send them off to slumberland right away, but at least get them in the mood for it. Whether it works or not every time, at least its worth a try.
Nap times are hard to come by, as a toddler grows. Sometimes, the time it takes to put a toddler to nap can exceed the actual nap time itself. Some parents at their wit's end would be looking high and low for anything that would help their little energizer bunnies rest a little. DD is not 2 yet, but getting her to nap has been a monumental task for me lately. Whether she is tired or not, she fights nap time. She could easily wear me out with her incessant demands for water, toys, potty, books and more. After a few tantrums, she would finally settle down for a nap. Sometimes, she will skip it altogether. The transition from play to nap time has never been easy and I am exhausted trying all sorts of things to make it a smooth one. Often, I find myself at the end of the rope. Like many parents, I am seeking for that elusive downtime her nap could provide. I guess it might as well be a pipe dream...
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